Executive Summary
The National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCU) exist to protect the public from the most serious threats by disrupting and bringing to justice those serious and organised criminals who present the highest risk to the UK. Organised crime is one of the gravest threats to UK national security – blighting communities, ruining lives and costing the UK well over £20 billion every year. The work of the NCA and ROCUs span all elements of organised crime from the sexual exploitation of children to the smuggling of illegal firearms, cybercrime, human trafficking and modern slavery.
In order to deliver this service, the ROCUs are heavily reliant on the safe and secure use of supporting computer systems. As part of this service delivery one of the ROCUs had a requirement for a new highly secure system. C3IA Solutions took on the challenge to provide an architectural design for a dedicated highly secure system and carry out a cyber security risk assessment. C3IA Solutions delivered the work on time, on budget and exceeded the client’s expectations in all areas.